We are all unique individuals with stories to tell. We would love to help share your inspirational story with the world!
We are all unique individuals with stories to tell. We would love to help share your inspirational story with the world!
Everything about the world we know now arises as a result of sharing our discoveries; shedding light on our individual journeys and learnings, the idiosyncrasies of ourselves that have so defined who we are as people and the ways in which we can voice up what we have learned for a greater good.
By using our minds, our words, and most importantly our actions, together we will create the building blocks that lead to more sustainability, happiness, and enlightenment throughout the world. Be part of the positivity and inspiration that will change the lives of others.
At Farm Brand, not only are we eager to listen to all that you have to say, but just as well, we wish nothing more than to help voice your very own life changing story for all of the world to hear. By working together to shout out our real life experiences for all to hear and to learn from, we can create a better world through the power of community and unity.
You can be a massively popular influencer who’s voice is heard by millions, or you can be just another man or woman who feels as though they have a real life story to share that may affect but only one other human for the better. That alone is enough reason to tell.
If you wish to share your:
Life Changing Stories
And anything else in between that you can think of, we would love to hear from you.
Know that we are all entirely special, so please never feel shy, embarrassed, or intimated to share with us. We can keep your stories entirely anonymous if you like, so just let us know. And remember, even if you feel like your story isn’t enough, we can assure you that it is. Your story may help and inspire those whom you least expect.
All you have to do is fill out the form below to get in touch so that we can coordinate on the best methods for showcasing what you wish to voice. This is more than just corporate social responsibility, this is our way of reminding you that Farm Brand is a team of humans just like yourself who wish to initiate but a little positive change throughout our world by using our modest platform and our own ability of storytelling.
We will read through your submission, and if we choose to showcase your story you will hear back from us! We will help to voice your words through our website, blog, and social media so that together we can make you heard.
If you need help coming up with ideas on what to share, here are some suggestions that can help you get started:
- Have you ever changed the life of another person for the better?
- Do you know someone with a sustainable charity who is currently doing good? Tell us more! We would love to hear their story of change and support them.
- Do you know or are you a local hero who’s actions played a vital role in making a difference?
- Do you practice daily rituals that make the world a better place? What are they and how can all of us implement similar strategies?
Feel free to let your mind expand on everything that you have done, and when you are ready to share your story contact us so that we can begin collaborating should we choose to feature you. No matter your favorite medium, should it be the written word, a video, art, or social media, we’d love to have a chance to work with you on it!