An Interview with Kasey Todd of KRT Consulting!

Hello everyone and welcome to the Farm Brand Simply Human interview column- a place where creative individuals, forward thinkers, and evolutionary minds have a place to showcase and tell their incredible stories.
Today we are here to interview a very special individual who, not only has a plethora of lessons and inspiration to share with us, but an entrepreneurial story that showcases the result of what happens when the commitment of building a business is matched with a passion for helping others.
Farm Brand gives a warm welcome to Kasey Todd, the founder and owner of KRT Consulting, a company she has single-handedly built from the ground up and that embodies this greater good of which we here at Farm Brand are working hard to further manifest.
The Interview
Before jumping right into KRT Consulting, I wanted to first learn more about Kasey. Her background, her history, and all of the good stuff that makes for the story of the person who chose to follow her dream.
“So Kasey, why don't you tell us a little bit more about yourself and your family? In what ways has your family influenced your business?
“I am the mother to four beautiful, amazing children and the wife of a very supportive husband. When you ask if my family has influenced my business, you could almost say they are my business. They are the reason I strive for success, and I hope to show them that the possibilities in life are endless.
It was actually my husband who first bought me my business license and my website. He really helped to jump the gun and get the ball rolling, and whether I was ready for it or not, I was going!”
After finding out that the website was the blank canvas to her business, as it is for so many others, I wanted to learn a little more about what it was like for her to build it page by page. Because oftentimes small business entrepreneurs do not have a massive budget to dump into website builds, and because of such we have to take on the responsibility as our own.
“What was that website like when you first took it on? Was it already created with your ideas or did you take on the task of building it?”
“I have built… Everything! Every single page. Everything. I have poured my heart and soul into it and it is always a continuous process as the needs of my clients change and evolve. The website changes with them, and is always a work in progress. It's still my baby!”
“To summarize what you do as a business, we can call it consulting right? But what exactly does that mean and what kind of services do you provide? Do you have a consulting niche that you specialize or is your speciality in fact being able to handle it all?”
“I actually struggle a lot with that because everybody always says niche down, niche down, niche down and every time I try to do so I get pulled in another direction! So I kind of just let it run itself. What do the people want?
Business consulting looks like working with management. Teaching managers how to manage. Going through your employee roster. What can you do differently? What do your employees want?
Are you projecting your vision to your employees and do they emulate your vision? SO i kind of feel like I am a cheerleader of all walks of life!"
A human approach to helping business. That resonated so well. And it makes so much sense. Just think of how much more your business thrives when your employee base is just as passionate as you are to reach certain goals. Why?
But when placing myself in Kasey's shoes, I couldn't help but think how intimidating it must be to approach a business and essentially tell them hey, this is what you're doing wrong. So I asked her exactly what it's like doing this, how she approaches it, and also dug into her background a bit to gain a grasp on where she learned all of this!
“How are you able to approach a business and know or understand where and how these changes can be made. How did you get into this and what is your background?”
"Well, I started working in an office when I was 15 and even before that my mother used to take me to work with her. It's kind of just a been there done that kind of thing!
I started working in offices, I worked my way up in the office, I worked in marketing for about 18 years. So I was pretty much taught from the bottom up to find the holes. I just find it really easy to go in and I can see where gaps need to be bridged in business.
It's like a fresh set of eyes. Working in marketing and then reinventing myself as a recruiter and then a corporate recruiter. I can just see a deeper level within offices and companies and what connections need to be made so that they can run well. It's all about finding that fire again and seeing something from a different perspective.
And it doesn't have to be negative when working with a business consultant! I am not going in there and looking over their shoulders and it's more like hey! Look at all this money sitting around, let's make it dance let's make it happy.
I am super people driven and I understand people's needs so it's all really just part of who I am and it naturally evolves."
Then the subject of happiness came along. The subject that should remain at the forefront of all of our work and life balances because, in the end, it will always remain at a worth far greater than any monetary value.
How does your past and your take on happiness influence your ability to help people through consulting? And what does this mean to you?
“I think that is kind of a really big driving force for me, you know, the people side of it. It always just comes back to the fact that now I live a great life that I really thought I would never be able to live. It's like what I said about passion, you just start manifesting things like crazy when you put your focus in the right place and you kind of let it guide you.
You listen to it, and then sharing my experiences and writing about family issues and personal traumas really inspires people.
I get a few messages every single day. I run a few boards on facebook purely out of passion, I don't get paid to do it and it's just something i want to do, but it's just all about empowering women and teaching them to step into who they are and be true to themselves.
Love your friends!
It's just all about spreading positivity and love and loving yourself and you just… You feel it . People feel it, and they want a piece of it!"
Kasey speaks of loving your friends, loving your family, loving yourself. But then she mentions a community of empowered women. A community that maintains a very special aura to its members, and one that Kasey can be thanked for bringing together and continually using her free time to work on furthering and promoting this empowerment to its highest extent.
And part of why that community is as tight and loving as it is is because of Kasey's ability to become vulnerable with herself, her life, and her writing that became a very large part of how she uses her voice.
So I asked Kasey.
“What was it that told you that you can comfortably put yourself out there for all to see and hear? What was your ‘smack in the face’ that told you to pursue the things that matter the most to your life but that required this vulnerability?"
“Owning my shit”.
What a simple way to set my day off on the fast track to inspiration. Being who you are, embodying your ideals, and what makes you, well you, will always manifest into positivity in your own life and others around you.
I knew what it took for Kasey to become vulnerable with her writing and how this led to the creation of very special communities. Let's learn more about those groups, what they're all about, and if you want to be a part of them of course how you can join! And if you have not already, be sure to read Kaseys amazing blog!
“I would love to learn a little bit more about that community you spoke of and women empowerment. Would you call it a safe place for women, or how would you define that community?
“This is just another part of how phenomenal this has all been for me. It literally says in the description of the group that I made this group with my soul sisters in mind, my besties in mind.
I always say that each of one of my personalities has its own best friend because I have this community of women who I have built very strong relationships with. I just wanted this place where everyone could go and feel safe and talk about things like kids and relationships and spirituality and, you know, everything!
The deeper things.
I didn't realize it was going to take off the way that it did. Everybody is safe to share there and that just makes me so happy. It started as just my best friends and then their best friends joined and then it turned into other people from other countries just finding us.
So it's turning into this great big supportive group of women all over the world who don't even know each other who are boosting each other up and providing advice and support or being friends all the side.
All the support, it gives me goosebumps. I just love to have this place that everyone call feel safe in joining.
“For those that might want to join, what is the name of these groups if you would like to share?”
“Oh yes, and the name is perfect too! It's called ‘The Energy Exchange’.
And you know, it's still small and tight enough to where I can still tell everybody hey, if there's somebody specific who you would prefer to not be a part of it please let me know.
"The Energy Exchange"
"The Nudge, A Group for the Mindful Eater"
Kasey's Instagram:
It is very hard when you're talking about really touching situations and you want your community to feel safe so we do a really good job on staying on top of all of that moderation."
“So one of the biggest challenges for you must be approaching someone's unique puzzle and figuring out the best approach at consulting them. What is that puzzle to you and what strategies do you implement to solve it?”
“Has this community been a large part of your business success?”
“Absolutely. Yes, and the great thing is that I have been able to help my own network of people who have been with me since I was walking in a gutter not sure of what to do with my life. And look where I am now!
So now they see me and they're like oh my goodness, teach me!
They want to know, and they're okay to pay for it. Because its tangible efforts. you're going to get something out of this. It's not something where I am going to keep you forever. If i'm not going to be able to help you, then let's find something that can help you!
It's all about results.
As a people empowering consultant, if you could give us just one magical piece of advice to take with us what would it be?
Listen to that. Such a simple concept, yet one that for some is so difficult to achieve or that goes unaware of being so necessary. It is too easy to get lost in the past or to look too far into the future, or simply to distract yourself from life's finer things when technology and phones create such a distance between us.
It was with these thoughts that I asked Kasey for another piece of advice, considering that she spends her work time doing something she absolutely loves, for those who are wishing to ditch the 9-5 and try building a business that actually means something to them and their intrinsic values or passions.
"If you could now give one piece of advice to someone wanting to start their own business, what would it be?"
Are you ready?
Like, are you really ready?
Are you ready to go get it? Are you ready to hustle?
You gotta be ready to shut that voice in your head off that's like ‘what are you doing?!’. It can tell you no a lot.
One thing we really do have working on our side right now is that the world is changing. The world is a very different place and everyone feels a little bit of a shift so there's more people now screaming from their rooftops voicing these dreams just like me.
People always say, wow you inspire me so much and I say no, there are millions of people out there like me, you just happen to hear me. We can all do this.
What future plans do you have for yourself and your business and your team?
Oh, I dream real big!
Right now it's just me as the team, but I would love one day to be able to have a team. I almost feel like I could right now with all the social media and everything. It's a lot.
It's on my list to get a team. It's on my list to stay consulting with businesses as well as working with individuals. I definitely would like to start my own brand when it comes to the fact that…
I am my brand!
And you know, there's a couple books in there!
Her own brand? Higher levels of consulting? Some possible books? I absolutely love the passion behind chasing these goals, and if there's anyone who will follow through with everything, it's definitely Kasey.
And I can't wait to see what she comes up with.
Any closing words and a big ol' THANK YOU TO KASEY!!!
Once again, we cannot thank Kasey enough for being here today and for taking the time to chat to us and answer some of our questions. Remember to check out her website, her blog, her facebook group and her social media to always stay updated with this incredible individual and her journey. You never known, maybe one day she will be of great help to you or your business!
And remember to support Farm Brand by shopping our incredible selection of activewear clothing made specifically for you and the unique lifestyle you may live.
This article has been brought to you by the family at Farm Brand.
Comments on this post (3)
Yes! A thousand times, YES! Such an honor to hear Kasey’s story. She’s an inspiration to many women, no matter what their every day lifestyle looks like. Thank you for interviewing her and sharing her story!
— Jenn Bakee
That’s my baby and I’m so proud of her. So proud of her. From where she was to where she is today. She is a glowing beacon of life and hope. Love her beyond the universe
— Verna
That’s my baby and I’m so proud of her. So proud of her. From where she was to where she is today. She is a glowing beacon of life and hope. Love her beyond the universe
— Verna