How you can make a Difference in 2020

Simple ways that YOU can help change the world
Let’s be honest here- Right now, our world is in a bit of a shamble. Politics are driving close families and friends apart. There are protests and there is violence and there is adversity for those who deserve nothing but the same respect and treatment as any other human being who exists here today. The climate is in pain and both small businesses and individuals are facing newfound economic hardships that present challenges with great difficulty to overcome.
And must I mention the pandemic…?
As unfortunate and as negative as all of this may be, let us now pull ourselves back and begin to draw in as much positivity as possible. For the wonderful thing about this life is the fact that every individual here is capable of instilling a positive change within themselves, others around them, and of course this beautiful Earth of which we all live on and enjoy.
So now, in this moment in time, it is essential to recognize the necessary importance of choosing to be an individual who seeks to implement any form of change and good, because as of now even the most minuscule of actions that are aimed at helping to change the world are needed more than ever.
If all of us chose to initiate a plan of action that requires not a lot of time, not a lot of effort, and nearly no money at all, could you imagine the domino effect of positive change that would begin falling?
You might not directly see the change and it may not be tangible, but by acting on simple ways in which we all can help to change the world for the better, then we are fulfilling the destiny that these new challenges we are faced with are trying so very hard to inhibit.
If you are feeling unsure of how to go about this, and ask yourself the question:
“What can I do to help change the world?”
Then we are going to go over a few actions and things of which you can do that answer this very question with easy, accessible, and simple means of pioneering good.
Give Something Away for Free
And by something, we mean quite literally anything! You do not have to have a lot of zeros in your bank account in order to give others something that they can benefit from. Instead, think creatively about what it could be that you can give away of which changes somebody's life for the better.
Your time
There is one aspect of life that is always equal for all of us, no matter who we are; and that aspect is time. Every one of us is granted 24 hours in a day that we can choose to utilize to whatever extent we so feel necessary. If you decide to take just one of these precious hours and dedicate it to helping others or helping this world, then there is so much good that can arise from just that.
Start small, but regardless; at least start somewhere and get off the sidelines!
Think locally within your own backyard and neighborhood, whether that’s doings something fun like making cute and motivational rock @thekindnessrockproject to brighten someone's day, or finding local shelters, food banks, mentorship programs or any other organizations doing good that could use some extra help during this unprecedented time, again it goes back to donating your time, love or anything that could make a difference
If you live near a beach, why not take an hour by the lovely seaside soaking up some sunshine while you pick up trash along the shore?
Perhaps you have a friend you haven't seen in awhile. Offer to spend an hour with them at lunch or at a park. Don't let positive relationships dwindle as friendships are needed now more than ever.
Change the life of a shelter animal by volunteering to take them on a walk. Not only will the animals cherish those moments forever, I can guarantee that you will too!
You know your life, your location, and your availability more than anyone, so get creative with how you can donate a little bit of your time to initiating positivity. And most importantly, actually go and do it!
Turn pandemic house arrest and inactivity into activity!
Even if you cannot or do not feel comfortable to physically go out and participate in charitable work yet, find ways you can make a difference from home and virtually.
Take a few of these awesome examples as inspiration:
Become a helper come this November.. Help people to make their voice heard by clicking HERE to become a poll worker.
Want to have some fun while making a difference?
Check local meetups for peaceful and safe group activities that stand behind a cause. Cycling for a cause sets a really high bar in excellent way to use your time as means to initiate change. Check out their Instagram for inspiration and to further support this awesome cause
There is not an emotion or a human trait that exists of which is more powerful than that of love. Love can move mountains when it is genuine and it is pure, and we are all capable of spreading a little bit of our own love throughout the world.
You don't have to actually “love” someone to give them your love, however, and do not think of love as being singular. It goes far deeper than simply loving another person, and instead you can love everyone if you adjust your meaning of what love entails accordingly.
Take the time to reach out to someone who you feel might be struggling. So many people are in positions that make their life feel as though it is falling apart, and in these situations mental illness can spread like a wildfire.
All it takes is a little message to check in on them, to make sure that they are doing okay and to ensure that they know you care for them. Chat for just awhile and give them attention while listening to all it is they have to say. You can impact someone far more than you may currently be thinking, and in the end you can save a life by checking in on those who need it.
Give a loved one a hug, send your parents a quick ‘I love you’ if you know they have been stressed out at home or at work lately. You know the capabilities of your own love, and love is free, so use it now more than ever to help change the world.
Your ‘Stuff’
Not only is going through your belongings and minimizing your life a very spiritual and uplifting thing to do for yourself, but it can also be beneficial to others around you.
Take some of your belongings that you just do not need anymore and give them away. With economic hardships and holidays looming around the corner, that old pair of shoes or toy from when you were younger might just change a life.
You don't have to spend any money to help change the world for the better, and you can benefit your own space and self by ridding of your ‘junk’ that in someone else's eyes might be a total treasure.
Understand that the way you view what you have is entirely different from another's perspective. Just because you have absolutely no need for a used shirt doesn't mean that someone else out there won't smile for an entire day because THEY got a used shirt. And yes, it can indeed be as simple as a shirt. ‘Old’ can be replaced with ‘New’ when given to other hands.
Use Your Voice for Change
We all have voices, and we all can speak. But our voice is directed by what we choose to say, and when used to speak with an assertive grasp on the situations that require change within this world, change that is for the better of everyone, then that is using your voice as the absolute best medium for showcasing the thoughts within your brain.
Everyone's an influencer, and everything that we say to another will impact them in some way or another. Even if they disagree on your viewpoints or your statements, just by voicing these out loud will at least make them think about your stance for a second, and that second can in turn be the second that changes a thought process forever.
Remind them, just like this article, of the things that we can all do to help change the world. Spread your message about this world like seeds that bloom into beautiful wildflowers.
Most all of us have some form of audience on social media, and never be embarrassed or scared to showcase that you want to do something about current events, and share exactly how you plan about doing so to give others the same direction.
Even if only 3 people see your instagram story that showcases how dreadful climate change is at this moment in time, then that is still THREE people who you have single handedly reminded to do their part at negating the ill effects of our carbon footprint.
Invite your friends, families, workplace colleagues to do the same!
Challenge them to match or beat what you are doing... Not necessarily for the bragging rights (although bragging rights are also a small win), but to simply galvanize and encourage others to also give just a “little bit” to make a big difference. As long as our intention and heart is in the right place, and our action brings about positive change, then entice others to 'bring it on'!
Never feel that your voice does not matter, because it is actually needed now more than ever; regardless of who you are, where you live, and how many people end up hearing it. Make sure to vote, make sure to speak, and make sure to voice the good that is held within you.
You are powerful!
Support Small Business and Businesses that give back
Business runs the world, and right now small businesses are struggling more than ever to keep up. They are closing left and right, and people's livelihoods are crumbling in front of their eyes because of economic hardships from closures and giants like amazon taking over the marketplaces.
Supporting a small business doesn't even require money or a purchase. The next time you see a friend post something about their business, take just one second to like it, to share it on your own page, and to give them a positive message of support.
Understanding the exposure granted to small businesses by doing that is essential. Imagine if you had 500 followers who chose to share your business and they also had 500 followers. That is 250,000 people that could become aware of a business just by clicking a button.
Small businesses need that now more than ever. Advertising budgets are being cut short, profits are dwindling. You can help all of these businesses far more than you may first think, and the good karma that results in such is never ending in positive effect.
Just as well, try your best to locate a ‘mom and pop’ alternative to purchasing an item that you need. Steer away from amazon and research local shops that may have the exact same item that you are seeking. Be patient, for it might not ship to your doorstep first thing tomorrow, but your purchase is quite literally helping to put someone's food on their table.
If you need something anyways, you might as well purchase it from a small business and not a business giant!
Another amazing and effective way to help change the world in 2020 is also to support businesses that aim to GIVE BACK. There are so many small businesses that donate a portion of sales to charity or plant a tree with every purchase.
Take for example, buying a simple t-shirt. You have two choices:
Buy the shirt from somewhere that does not give back, or buy the shirt from somewhere that does give back. A pretty simple choice, right?
Of course it is, but it is also easy to overlook the fact that for every business out there that does not give back to the world there is another business out there that does. So be diligent in your research and your purchase decisions, and if you can have the choice to buy from a company who is built on further spreading positive change, then simply take the time to support them instead of their competitor.
Farm Brand is the epitome of an example of a company that is built upon spreading optimistic messages and giving back to charity through each purchase. In fact, they donate a fairly whopping 5% of your purchase to a charity that YOU get to choose at checkout. How amazing is that, right?
Choose from a number of charities in these categories at checkout:
1. Wildlife Conservation
2. Veterans Support
3. Environmental Sustainability
4. Covid-19 Response Funds
5. Creating Equality
6. Fighting Hunger
You need clothing anyways, so why not implement a purchase strategy that directly gives back to those that need it most. Just think, if every business donated 5% of their purchases to poverty, could you imagine how many people would go to sleep with full bellies tonight instead of starving ones?
Always support those who are supporting others, for when we do so we are building the base to the structure of good that will never break down under the tribulations that this world is already, and may soon choose, to throw our way.
This article was brought to you by your friends at Farm Brand. Click the image below to browse their incredible selection of activewear fashion and motivational, inspirational, and just down right comfortable t-shirts. And of course, enjoy choosing your charity at checkout, and feel good every time you sport their awesome clothing.
Click the image to shop!
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