Make your Voice Count in 2020

A Complete Checklist for the November 2020 Election
At Farm Brand, it is our passion and our mission to support the individuality of each and every one of our special voices so that together we can initiate positive changes throughout the world. We are a brand built on the bases of what it means to be unique, and how our personal stories can have an impact on others that will change lives for the better. But in order to impact anything, we first must be heard!
The 2020 election in November is looming around the corner, and by being an active participant in voting, there is absolutely no better way in the present to voice your opinions and what you believe in. This cannot be done without effort, however, and simply thinking about your ideals and how you wish those ideals to be accommodated within our society is not enough.
Instead, you must participate and YOU MUST VOTE.
Voting is becoming slightly intricate in regards to the instability within politics, the current COVID-19 pandemic, and uncertainty around mail-in-ballots.
At first glance, the process can be intimidating and confusing to navigate, so we have decided to compose a complete guide and checklist to help you navigate the ‘oh so important’ 2020 election.
Because remember, voting is our voice, so let us all scream loud and clear!
Step 1: Register to Vote/Confirm Voter Registration
I know this may be pretty self explanatory, but it is also sometimes easy to forget that registering to vote is the first step in allowing your voice to be heard throughout our government. Just as well, it is essential for the younger generation to take part in this election, as there is often a major gap within the voting population between old vs. young turnout, so large in fact that the entirety of results could be different if the younger generations voted to the same extent as the older generations.
If you are in your twenties, then you have decades left to live! So do not let the decisions and policies that our governments create that directly influence the rest of our lives be directed by the votes of someone who, in truth, (and I am not trying to be dark here) may not even be around to see any of this manifest within their lifetime.
So step 1 in your 2020 election checklist is REGISTER TO VOTE.
Should you be unsure of how you can go about doing this, then please view: for all of the information that you may need regarding this simple process. They easily outline and explain each state's different requirements, and remember, in some states you must register to vote up to a month or more before the election, so please do not waste any time!
Just as well, even if you think that you are registered to vote, it is certainly in your (and your countries!) best interest to double check. Use the same site above, or this one:
To ensure that you are already registered to vote before election time this November.
Step 2: Understand the candidates & their different views. Explore your ballot BEFORE voting.
If you chose to simply walk into a voting booth with no prior knowledge of the potential candidates of whom you can choose between, then you would be absolutely overwhelmed, confused, and unapt to make the proper decisions in such a short amount of time. In the end, would you really even vote for who you wanted to?
Having an in depth knowledge of the different candidates, their viewpoints, ideals, opinions, and everything in between is one of the most essential aspects to voting with an informed knowledge of who will best reflect the ideologies you hold closest to yourself in government.
If you are unsure of where to begin with this, then let's make it easy!
By visiting the website you will be instilled with all the information you could ever need regarding your ballot and the candidates you will see within it.
They make everything extremely straightforward to understand with the simple navigation of their site, and aim to help you succeed in their 3 step process of:
- Understanding the Ballot
- Making Informed Decisions
- Actually voting!
Even if you think you know all of the information you need before voting, we urge you to visit the site so that your decisions are directed by in-depth knowledge and nothing less.
Also, if you would like to sign up for election reminders so that you never miss a beat, visit this site to enter your phone number so that you are always on the forefront of current election events. It is far easier to stay ahead than it is to catch up when behind!
Step 3: Decide HOW you are going to vote
There are 3 basic methods of which you are going to be able to vote in 2020:
- Early & In Person at Polls
- On the Election Day in Person at Polls
- Mail in Ballots
And with the current pandemic, rules that vary state to state, and much more; it can be rather difficult to decide what the best method for you may be! But first you must know that congress has dedicated millions of dollars to ensure voting is accurate and safe, so please never think that voting is not worth it because of made up discrepancies in our system.
Please note that there are some concerns about certain types of voting, especially mail-in ballots, and it is important to understand that this is still an entirely safe, secure, and valid means for casting a vote when your states guidelines are followed accordingly!
If you are concerned about your safety, but still wish to vote in person at a poll, there are always early voting options. Early voting is basically the same thing as voting on election day, but you may find there to be far less people and much smaller lines, which is probably your safest bet during the novel coronavirus.
Should you choose to vote on election day at the polls, then once again know that your safety is of the highest priority. Social distancing rules and sanitization practices will be utilized to the highest extent this November, so feel confident and safe during this time when you go out to make your voice heard.
Voting by mail is going to be one of the most sought out methods for voting this year with the coronavirus, but unfortunately it is not as simple as just filling out a form and sending it in. First off, you must request your mail in ballot well before the election day, as the deadline for this is October 29th, 2020. Just as well, you must send your ballot back in before the election day to ensure your vote will be counted in time.
Not every state, however, is allowing main in ballots to be chosen as your method just because of the coronavirus. Some states require an ‘excuse’ in order to receive a mail-in ballot, and not every state will define COVID-19 as an ‘excuse’.
To best know the rules of your particular state, take a moment to view this awesome, knowledgeable, and in depth resource for each and every local and state election office by clicking the state that you are registered to vote in and viewing their specific set of rules
Have you ever asked yourself if absentee and mail in voting is the same thing?
If so, then in general terms the answer is yes, it is the same thing. So if you are going to be out of state during election day, make sure to secure your mail in ballot based on your own states guidelines.
By breaking up the rules state by state, you can determine if absentee voting will work for you this election year in 2020. This site will take you straight to the absentee voter information you need by simply entering your states abbreviation!
Step 4: GO VOTE! And Use your Voice to Remind Others to do the Same!
Alas, the final step in making your voice heard loud and clear this election year;
Once you have gone through these resources to ensure that you are registered and that your voting decisions are based on pure knowledge, and you have determined your best method for doing so, then get out there and vote.
Just as well, it is extremely important to remind others to do the same. Remind your family and friends to vote, post reminders on social media for all to see, wear clothing to showcase the message throughout your every day for all to see.
Something like Farm Brands “Different Together” comfortable Tee (currently on sale) is an excellent way to combine your message of voting with style.
Or check out also the “XIX History Matters' T-shirt as a firm reminder of how hard women had to work so that they were allowed to vote, a wonderfully massive milestone in our democracy that must never go unnoticed.
And remember, none of this has to be about your actual political opinions, although it can be if you want it to be, as that can sometimes interfere with friendships and family ties. And instead this is all about reminding others of the importance of voting and that alone, NOT where you stand politically.
Thank you for voting, and thank you for doing your part.
*Please note- We have done our diligent research to provide you a checklist that is accurate, informative, and includes only the best resources, but always be sure to rely on your local, state, and government resources for all voting information. Always follow government guidelines.
This article has been brought to you by your friends at Farm Brand.
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