Stay at Home Date Night Ideas

For the Couples Who Actually Made it Through Quarantine!
And stay at home dates require an artistic touch in their conception to do so with an intensity equal to the more common downtown and city cruisin’ dates.
You see, the overall point of a date is to create an atmosphere with your partner full of your shared lust or love (that part is up to you) and pure happiness, as well as an experience that creates a moment in which the mind and body are entirely encapsulated by sharing this time with only the person whom you are with. And that is why ‘places’ help to do this, as they further invigorate the senses. The aesthetics of a cool bar, yummy food, the tastes of different wines. You get the idea.
So this is where the challenge of an at-home date arises, as a home is where you spend your time, so there is not much ‘newness’ (for lack of a better term) around it, and in the end, you really are used to your home. With this, it becomes your job to bring about an idea of which will instill a newfound outlook on just how much fun can be had within the place that, in the end, most of us love the most anyways; so stick around for a little bit of inspiration for your next date that doesn't even involve a car!
The Bob-Ross Painting Class
(Picture of our very own Bob Ross Date Results)
If you don't know who Bob Ross is, then to summarize real quick he is one of the most talented landscape painters to have ever lived. He creates images of photographic comparison, and he has a show called “The Joy of Painting” where he walks you through exactly how to create paintings like his own!
And the coolest part about it is that at first glance of his work, you would imagine that it takes hours upon hours and an endless amount of paint to create, as well as an artistic touch only granted to a few rare individuals in our world. And yes, to paint them as perfectly as Bob really is impossible, but he shows you that these paintings can actually be completed based on just a few (actually simple) brush stroke techniques and only 3-5 colors of paint!
So here's how it goes!
You find his show (Hulu, Netflix, youtube) before the date night and choose an episode based on the painting you want to try. Turn it on and in the beginning he will go through the couple of paint colors and brushes that you will need, so write those down and head out to your craft store to snag the needed materials, as it will also require two canvases.
On the way home, swing by the store and grab a nice bottle of wine (red always fits the painting mood) and some snacks to go along. Think finger foods like cheese and crackers, a little fruit tray, and of course don't forget the sweets!
If you have some easels, bust those things out and set everything up, and if you don't a blanket on the floor will do just fine! Oh, and some string lights always add a nice touch with this one. Bob Ross has a very soothing, calming voice, so the vibes will be really chill.
Then all you gotta do is turn the show on and follow along as you laugh and love while sipping on some tasty red. Bob goes fast, so keep the remote at hand as you will have to pause it at intervals as you work on your own painting, so don't worry; although the episode is only 30 min, it takes way longer than that, and you'll have plenty of time to take down the bottle because hey!
You don't even have to drive!
Oh, and the coolest part about it is that you will have your own little masterpiece, whether your's turn out incredible or laughably bad, that will always remind you of this special little night.
Shop and Cook!

You can NEVER go wrong with a little at home cooking for an awesome date night. And when I say cooking, I mean throw those easy recipes out, and let's get serious here! Toss on the chef's hat and get flipping through the pages of a recipe book until you find one that is intricate, delicate, and delicious. Do this together, of course, and find a recipe that you have never tried, like cuisine from another country so that your taste buds can have some unique fun.
Oh, but if you really want to add a little flare and spontaneity, go to goodwill first and choose a totally random recipe book from their shelves! Flip to a page and whatever one you land on that is the dinner you make! Unless it is escargot or a fish cooked whole.
Yeah, you can flip again if that's the case...
So now that you have a list, head out together as it's time to go shopping! I find it to be the best when you do this all together (versus the day before) as I personally love shopping with my partner and this becomes part of the at-home date even though yes, I know; the store isn't home.
Once again, a bottle of wine ain't a bad idea here. Try and find one that will match the pallet of your future meal!
Once home, pour a glass, up the tunes, and get at it! Beforehand you may also want to have your table already set, making it look nice and pretty will a little bouquet and some lights or a candle because hey, cliches are awesome!
Enjoy the simplicity of what it means to be on a date at home, enjoying the company of only one another with no distractions while cooking some yummy food that you can intimately enjoy. There's so much to be said for that, and when it becomes more than just another ‘dinner’, it becomes a date night that you will always remember and want to do again soon.
High Stakes Board Games
Never forget just how fun a classic board game can be. Seriously, it's really good for you to bring yourself back to more childlike times, and by doing so you will create a very light, happy, and nostalgic mood, a present-day trip back into the simplest of times. And board games are such a great way to do this, and with spicing things up a little bit you can create an incredibly fun stay at home date night idea.
A little alcohol always sets things off right and if you can't tell, also a common theme in most at home date nights. So for those of you under 21… Sorry!
The kind of alcohol is up to you, as wine, beers, and cocktails all go really well. This might depend on the season and the weather, as a light crispy beer fits well on a summer evening whereas in fall you will need a fall-inspired beer, cocktails winning in winter.
With that in place, together begin thinking of some ways to form some high stakes around the games. Set some gambles, like the loser has to do dishes or help the kids with homework for the next week. You know your relationship best, so set the gambles according to you and the intensity of which you two prefer. The higher the stakes, the more riveting the date.
It's always a good idea to ask your partner and yourself what board game is important to you. What game do you remember as a kid and really enjoying playing or have excellent memories surrounded by it, as chances are most of us do, and it's always fun to bring this back around!
If you want, throw on some light background tunes and laugh and banter as you try to one up another, as a little competition during a date night is always fun, and if you're at the top of your date game…
Then you might want to consider losing on purpose (wink wink, not really)
And also, if your aren't up for the competitiveness, or just need a break from the competitive environment that Monopoly or Sorry is bound to provide, but still want a relaxing yet game inspired date night; a puzzle is a wonderful means at working together towards an end goal that also brings about some of that lovely childhood nostalgia.
Just have fun enjoying the simplest of times with your partner and appreciate the fact that you two can create so much fun from the comforts of your own home.
The Outside Movie Theater
Okay, the movie theater was an exaggeration, but it's always really fun to take something that we usually always do inside and instead bring it into the fresh air. Weather pending, of course, this date night involves setting up an outside setting in the backyard (or patio, front yard, etc) that is totally cozy and ready for some movie vibes.
It's really pretty awesome if you can do a sheet and movie projector (they have some decently cheap ones on amazon) or if you can somehow get power out there to run a small tv. But if not, worst case scenario a computer screen will do just fine!
Another pro tip for this at-home date night idea, bring out some speakers to create a drive-in/movie theatre-like experience!
No matter how you will show the movie you choose, the most important part is to make it super comfortable. Big, fluffy blankets and pillows. Sleeping bags or hammocks, bean bags, or a set of chairs. The choice is totally up to you, and this is where you can really be creative in your personality.
What good is a movie without snacks, though, right? The classic candies are great here, but remember, you are at home! So if you really want to up this date also get creative with the snack choices. Sweets, savory, fruity; try and incorporate as many flavors as possible for the best variety of snacks. I mean, even adding a dinner into the combination isn't the worst of ideas, whether you cook it at home or simply order take out!
No sneaking anything in involved with this movie!
No matter what, the outside movie date will bring about a unique experience to your own backyard, and it will be the best of times enjoying a film under the shine of the stars with the person whom you love the most.
The Cheese Board Challenge and Tasting

Give Instagram a quick search with the hashtag #cheeseboard and you will see just how intricate and amazing some of these can be. It's amazing because you can literally use the beauty of food as art, and create an edible masterpiece of foods that all taste incredibly delicious together.
So, do some research on exactly how to compose a solid cheeseboard and exactly what kinds of cheeses, crackers, fruits, etc go really well together. Provide you and your partner with an equal-sized board and an equal budget, and then challenge one another to see who can make the tastiest, most eye appealing cheese board.
It's a whole lot of fun, and in the end, you will eat up every bit, a great way to add a little flare and do something different for dinner!
But don't stop there, because the thing about cheese boards is that they are usually always synonymous with a fine wine or craft beer. So to create a more in-depth stay at home date night, also incorporate a little wine or beer tasting at home!
Set up and pour your different varieties of drinks and enjoy the range of taste together, trying to pinpoint the different flavors of each (because honestly, my partner and I always laugh aloud at trying to deduce exactly how a wine can taste like tobacco and oak), and through doing so you just might find your next favorite bottle!
A great way to do this if you are going to go for a beer tasting is to build your own six-pack. Lots of stores allow you to do this, and it's a great way to purchase a variety of beer without having to buy a bunch of different six-packs just to try one of them!
Start with the wine or beer tasting, and once you are buzzing and hungry, break out those cheese boards and get comparing! This can be done inside by creating a nice setting with some dim and rustic light, or also does excellent as a picnic outside! It's cheap, fun, and super involved!
And oh yeah, Instagram your own cheese board away to show off your hidden culinary talents!
This article has been brought you by your friends at FARM Brand.
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