9 Tips For Running in Cold Weather From Our Favorite Running Coaches

Written by: Nicole Ellis
9 Tips For Running in Cold Weather From Our Favorite Running Coaches
We finally got our first snowfall in Heber City, Utah today. Winter is here as we are getting cozy this December. However, the outdoor adventures won’t stop and today we are getting into the best tips for running in cold weather.
Winter can definitely make you feel like staying home and avoiding the cold weather. Still, how many times have you gone running in cold weather and afterward regretted it? I bet we can shrink that number even more with some of these best tips for running in cold weather from three awesome running coaches.
1 - Get Some Great Gear
Our first three tips come from Kyle (@kyle_j_kranz). He’s a running coach from the Midwest and has plenty of experience running in cold weather. Having warm running gear will give you the extra motivation and confidence you need to get you out the door. When you’re looking out at the snow with the right gear on, it’s less scary.
2 - Have Empathy For Your Future Self
Kyle says the weather is always worse in your head than it actually is outside. However, once you start, you’re always 100% glad you went out for the run. So go out and start the run. Not for the current “you” who's doubting whether it’s worth it. But for your future self who will thank you for it!
3 - Get Some Accountability
Having people who can hold you accountable helps you to stay consistent. Kyle recommends committing to a running group one or two times a week. This will help with accountability as well as safety during the darker months. You can also get a running coach to help you stay accountable.
You can find Coach Kyle on Instagram @kyle_j_kranz or on his website. Check out the amazing things he’s doing for runners! He loves running in cold weather because it gets him outside during the winter - a time when it’s easy to hunker down inside. It’s something special to be the first person on the trail or bike path after a fresh snowfall. You may even have the route to yourself.
4 - Dress In Layers
Our next three tips are from Amanda (@runningwithregnier). Your base layer should be something dry fit and not cotton. She likes to have a middle layer vest when it is really cold to keep her core warm. Then she puts a looser jacket on top.
Don’t forget about the socks! Wear tall socks so you don’t have any skin showing. Ankle socks are terrible when running in cold weather and through the snow.
5 - Save Intervals/Hard workouts For The Track or Treadmill
Amanda recommends keeping hard workouts on the track or treadmill so that you don’t risk a fall with the ice. She also says that if you aren’t running competitively in the next few months then just save the harder workouts for the spring. Winter is a good time to build up your base level of volume with longer slower runs.
6 - Warm Up on a Bike or Treadmill Before Heading Outside
For really cold days, consider warming up inside on a bike or treadmill. This way you have some heat built up in your body and you might welcome the cold a little easier.
Just remember to change your clothes if you get sweaty during the warmup. Running in snow in your already sweaty clothes will definitely give you the chills. If you don’t have a treadmill or bike, then any kind of aerobics or strength circuit that gets your heart rate up will work!
You can find Coach Amanda on Instagram @runningwithregnier or on her website. Amanda started running in high school where she got so much support and motivation from running on a team. She went on to run at the University level and competed in 3 ITU Triathlon World competitions as a part of team Canada before she moved to Spain for a Masters in High-Performance Sport: Strength and Conditioning.
These days she is motivated by running in new places and traveling to different cities to compete in races. She has built up an online coaching business and loves watching her clients succeed.
7 - Dress Like It’s 20 Degrees Warmer Than It Is
Our next three tips are from Jill @notyouraveragerunner. Even when it’s cold out you can still overheat while running in cold weather if you’re overdressed. If you’re super sweaty at the end of a winter run you’ll be damp and cold.
If you dress like it’s a little warmer than it is, you may be cold for the very beginning of the run but the majority of the run you’ll be comfy. A fleece headband can work better than a hat to allow your head to release some of the heat!
8 - Warm Up With a Walk for 5-7 Minutes
Your first mile will feel much better if you give your body a few minutes to warm up first! It also may help get you out the door to know you can just walk to start out.
9 - Nanospikes For Running Where There’s Ice
Jill recommends Kahtoola nanospikes for anyone who’s worried about running on ice. They give your shoes extra traction in slippery spots while running in the snow.
You can find Coach Jill on Instagram @notyouraveragerunner. Jill has been running for 25 years and has fallen in love with how it makes her feel. She doesn’t run for speed but has found joy in running her way. Seeing her running clients achieve their goals keeps her inspired every day. Nothing makes her happier than helping someone start running and finish their first half marathon.
Farm Brand has some great options when working on building up those layers while running in cold weather. Check out this guide to Farm Brand’s Best Winter Running Gear. Use the discount code WINTERRUNS for 25% off your order and check out some of our favorite pieces for runners below!
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