Our Favorite Authorities in the Health and Wellness Space Part 2- Fitness

Social Media Pages you Should Follow!
We all deserve to reap the benefits of optimal health and wellness, and Farm Brand is back with yet another incredible piece to help you live your best life to do just that. We've recently shouted out our favorite authorities in the mental health space, offering you the most prominent figures to follow to help combat the ailments of mental illness. And today, we are on to the next group of essential figures to follow, this time focusing on the wondrous category of fitness.
As you know, we're all about clothing, community, and helping you achieve the highest sense of self possible through life-changing strategies of better health. Considering social media is community at its most widespread, prominent, and influential points, why not choose to fill your own social media with pages that actually provide essential benefit to your life?
Below are three of our favorite authorities in fitness, and we will showcase exactly why you need to hit that follow button for each, as their dedication to pursuing a greater good for humanity is nothing short of admirable and respectable, so stick around to learn more.
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Authorities in Fitness
Fitness maintains positive effects throughout nearly every facet of human life. Endless health benefits, both to the brain and the body, massive boosts in confidence, and pretty much anything else 'good' that you can think of. There is never a better time to begin pursuing a physical fitness regime of your own to feel these benefits for yourself, and the truth is, it doesn't have to be complicated!
Don't take fitness too seriously, and instead, take pride in the small strides and steps taken as you work to build your experience and dedication to the practice. And the good news for you, the pages below offer more than a plethora of positive resources to help you get going.
Welcome to Part 2, our favorite authorities in the fitness space. Enjoy!
Mariela Bravo
Mariela (@Mariela.bravo.fit) is a true beacon of fitness-related information and inspiration, and her entire page is filled with endless resources to help you achieve any goal related to fitness.
We are specifically keen on her freely shared workout videos. Not only do these videos showcase exactly what types of workouts to perform for varying body regions, but they are matched with a thoughtful caption (both in English and in Spanish) that further details the specifics of the workout, such as:
- How many reps to do
- How much weight to use
- Why the workout is important
- What muscles the workout targets
If all it takes is a scroll through Instagram to learn an entirely new workout to try at home, then the question is: why wouldn't you follow her?!
You can essentially create an entire workout regime of your own just from the information she so willingly shares, but of course, we always recommend signing up for her at-home workout programs to really dig into the act of achieving your fitness goals. As a fitness coach, she will guide you to right where you want to be, showcasing to you newfound strength and confidence along the way.
Mariela works hard to share positive information, and you can tell that her hard work is paying off, considering she is absolutely killing the fitness game herself!
Inspiration, workout ideas, information- you name it. You can find it all by following this true master of fitness, and don't be shy to thank her for all the incredible images and videos that will help you change your life for the better!
Patrick Wilson
"Lose fat & build muscle while still enjoying life". That's what this fitness mavens page (@gainsbypat) is all about, and as you can see, he's clearly doing it right!
Based in sunny South Florida, Patrick is all about providing us strategies and information that helps us to dictate our fitness journey in a way that is still conducive to overall simplicity and enjoying the finer things in life, like a big old hamburger!
Because let's face it, we're all human, and only a small handful of us can change every single aspect of our life around to achieve a higher status of personal fitness. For most of us, considering time constraints and families who probably don't want to eat your meal plan for dinner, we have to keep it simple. And Patrick is the man to follow if you want to know how to perfectly balance fitness with this ideal approach of nutrition.
His captions are extremely thoughtful and well written, a personalized approach to the ideas that need to be shared to all, and he really takes the time to approach fitness in a manner that makes us all say "oh, well, that actually sounds pretty good!". Aside from written information, there are plenty of incredible workout videos where he shares exactly what types of workouts to try, the muscle groups they benefit, and how to do them right.
And of course, the occasional selfie, which does nothing but make us less-ripped individuals want to stand up and head straight to the gym (yeah, we got some catching up to do!). But that is exactly it, with this online fitness coach, he will have you caught up in no time, and in a way that is perfectly balanced with the life you live.
So go ahead, give it a follow, and you'll see for yourself just how much life-changing information can be contained in a singular person's page!
Terry Smith
Terry Smith (@tsmithfitnessandmassage) is a Los Angeles-based Personal Trainer & Certified massage therapist, and his goal is simple: To help his clients pursue a healthy lifestyle that will forever change their lives for the better.
With physical fitness and massage therapy so inherently intertwined, this page provides a plethora of information surrounding both, helping followers to understand the benefits of each and to transform this understanding into definitive action.
His videos are simple yet do so much. By showcasing massage therapy and other physical activities in action, his followers are left saying, "dang, I want to try that!". There's a little bit of everything, like sharing workout techniques, and every post comes with a caption that shares much-needed knowledge with his followers.
Because sometimes, a simple approach is truly the most effective. A small, straight-to-the-point caption, such as reminding us of the need to change up our workout routine (and why), is so much easier to digest than those that are lengthy and full of fluff. And when you're able to quickly read and digest small bits of info as you scroll along his awesome page, you'll realize that in the end, you've learned a heck of a lot!!
Here's an example. Did you know that good foot health is essential for an active life? I sure didn't, and now I know exactly why it is, triggering inspiration within myself to implement strategies that benefit the 26 bones, 33 joints, and 100 muscles all contained within the foot (oh, by the way, I only know this because of Terry's post).
And that's just it- to the point, directive, and full of professional information to help you achieve a higher sense of self. We think that Terry has it going on, and that following him will do nothing but benefit your fitness journey (and maybe entice you to begin massage therapy!) in numerous, effective means. So go ahead, give him a follow to not only support his business but to support yourself in the journey to better health.
Let's Wrap it Up!
As you can see, all of these wonderful people provide incredibly positive resources for you to fill your social media with. A simple follow, and you will be presented with endless content to fill your page with inspiring, life-changing mental health strategies.
And for more health related content, you might enjoy reading:
- How Professional Soccer Player Veronica Latsko Trains, Recovers, and Thrives during the Peak Summer Heat
- The Ultimate Guide to Hydration
- How to Get Started Meal Prepping
And, of course, give us a follow on social media to stay updated on your favorite clothing and when we release even more content as we continuously work to become a beacon of how to achieve a higher sense of self to all who follow!
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